Sunday, January 18, 2009

History of Kashmir

History of Kashmir

Cradled in the lap of the majestic Himalayas, Kashmir is the arguably most beautiful place in the world.
Kalhan, the greatest historian of India refers to Kashmir in the following words:
"It is a country where the sun shines mildly, being the place created by Rishi Kashyap, for his glory - big and lofty houses, learning, Saffron, icy cool water and grapes rare in Heaven are plentiful here - Kailash is the best place in the three worlds (Tri-lok), Himalayas the best place in Kailash, and Kashmir the best place in Himalayas".
The greatest Sanskrit poet Kalidasa writes about the valley:
"The place is more beautiful than the heaven and is the benefactor of supreme bliss and happiness. It seems to me that I am taking a bath in the lake of nectar here."
After reading these lines, no one should be left with any doubt about the fact that Kashmir is the most beautiful place in the world.
Kashmir is the only region of India to have a historical record of its distant past. Such is not the case with the other parts of India which led to the 11th century, the Islamic scholar Alberuni to remark that Indians lack a sense of history. Kashmir has also the distinction of producing historians of repute. Chief among them is Kalhan, the author of Rajatarangini. Bilhana was another Sanskrit historian who was born in Kashmir. The court poet at Kalyana in the South India, he authored Vikramankadeva-charita to celebrate the reign of Vikramaditya VI, the Chalukya king of Kalyana.

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